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180° Turn Blog |
So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free. And don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law. Galatians 5:1 NLT Here are two words that make my flesh crawl: self-control. Being a believer in Christ these two words can make or break God’s purpose for your life. He is your creator and He knows just what you need to demolish strongholds in your life. You say, I am saved so I am good. What if I told you it’s time to mature in Jesus Christ? Why not flirt with your coworker? How about that half gallon of chocolate ice cream in the frig calling your name? Why not have one more drink or one more smoke? Why not do recreational drugs? There’s no harm in it is there? It doesn’t mean anything. Of course the answer is “yes”, it causes great harm to you. With this worldly conforming attitude, now your flesh has full reign and you have grieved Him, The Holy Spirit. If you are a Christ follower and have been saved by faith through belief in our Lord Jesus Christ then yes, you have the Holy Spirit in you. Don’t fall back into the trap that the Lord has rescued you from. When you do these worldly fleshly things the Bible warns us against, shame and guilt follow. Eventually, then doubt in God sets in, pushing you far away from His morality and reasoning. In my case, before Jesus came and saved me, I decided I was innocent and guilt had no meaning in my life. I was free to do as “I” pleased. The alcohol abuse and the promiscuous sexuality took over, creating strongholds and lies, leading to the demise of my marriage. What happens when you don’t feel Him, recognize Him or have Him on the inside? We fall and fall hard. We fall into the enemy’s eager trap of temptation saying it’s never going to get better so why not, everyone else does. Is this you? For my scientific friends: Flesh = Fallen Nature (F=fn); the sin that so subtly ensnares us; sometimes not so subtly. In this world, the only way to fight back against this fleshly nature is The Holy Spirit. Gal 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled with a yoke of bondage. He has set you free, now stay free. You don’t need that alcoholic beverage to confront another. It will only give you false confidence and courage, influencing you to “go for it”. It only makes you more attractive in your own eyes, liquid courage to be flagrant and falsely bold. You wake the next morning saying, “Why did I do that again?” to your own guilt and shame. You don’t need that snort of crank to suppress your appetite, causing temporary weight lose because you don’t feel like eating. Until…you come down or crash hard, starving and gorge yourself on that tub of ice cream, feeling sick and fatter than ever. People should love you for who you are without needing validation from others like your coworkers. You want admiration and respect. You want everyone in the office to think highly of you. Internally, you attempt to justify yourself and the lust manifests itself. Your spouse doesn’t understand you anymore because you are fighting. You will show your spouse right? Well, I will tell you a secret if you are a believer. You have victory in Christ Jesus, because The Holy Spirit lives in you. If you cannot feel Him, then you go off in your fleshly nature and do what you want to do instead of what God wants you to do. First stop. Then pray for forgiveness, then repent and turn (turn 180 degrees) and realize why you are doing what you are doing, what is driving you. Most likely your need for validation and love is from the wrong source. Well you have love, and it’s not from your spouse, your family or friends. It is from the Lord God Almighty who is able to guide you and lead you in just the direction you need to go. Go after His Son, follow Him. And if you do fall, which you will until you have true freedom in Christ, then repeat the above steps or formula. Also remember: Romans 8:1 There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, those who do not walk according to their flesh, but according to the Spirit. Forgive yourself and do not walk in the flesh again. This is how Jesus Christ frees you from yourself. He’s already forgiven you, so forgive yourself. If you have not recognized the living Christ as your Lord and Savior then say this simple prayer and you are His. It’s now time for you to grow and learn in Him. Dear Lord Jesus, I need forgiveness and repent of my sin nature, my flesh. I turn now 180 degrees and vow to try not to keep making the same mistakes but instead follow You. I make you Lord and Savior of my life. AMEN If you said this prayer contact me. I will help guide you to your next steps you need for freedom in Christ. Welcome to the His family. It is a “Big Deal”! All My Love, Stalwart Sharla
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Blessing from the Author“With God, both you and I can do all things. Like a new canvas, I pray He blesses you, to stretch you in all areas of your life." Love, Sharla Archives
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