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180° Turn Blog |
God has taught me that nothing can satisfy our spirits except having intimacy with and being truly loved by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Any loss of parent/child, friend or spouse relationships or loss of intimacy from them is unmatched to the gain of knowing Christ. I cry out in anguish because I want those I gave my heart too, to love me back. But not only do they not love me, they cannot love me because they don't know Jesus or they have chosen to walk away from Him. How blessed I am to know the truth because it has set me free. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 I tried to tell my close family the only thing that matters is knowing Christ. I thought they believed, but found out they didn't. They were too ingrained in the world's earthly riches. The gospel has been preached to the whole earth. It shocks my heart and makes me anxious for my unsaved loved ones. By Biblical predictions, the signs of the times are showing more and more end-time portents. Prophetically speaking, Jesus is wrapping up all things pertaining to our nations and countries. I prayed, "Lord, I place my son into Your hands. Spend his life to Your utmost glory." From Malachi 4:5-6 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse. The Lord is telling me the spirit of Elijah is here. This alarms me because I know the awesome might and power of our Lord, Adonai Elohim. He is coming soon. How is my son's spirit going to be changed from this confused youth who is under the enemy's influence in his father's house? Then I have to just stop, quiet my heart, and start taking deep breaths. This brings Holy Spirit into focus. 2 Cor 4:18. The unseen is what is real, not what is seen. The gift of discerning of spirits is different in me. I can see the enemy attachments quickly to another. Many people run from me, especially those that are demonized. As I pray sometimes the person comes to Christ, but mostly they come to themselves. They are empty after Jesus' presence removes the evil. It's important that they refill their spirit with Holy Spirit. I just have to trust in God with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. I have to give my fear of man over to the Lord. What can they do to me? Though they remove their conditional love, abandon and reject me, it does not matter. Christ is my Ish (my husband). I follow Him. That's when I realize it's all worth it. Because the God of the universe came and saved me. He loves me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. Jesus is my Redeemer and Defender. All I need is Him! My prayer is to let them go and let God, I trust Him, the author and finisher of my faith. Malachi 4:2,3 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And I shall go out and grow fat like stall fed calves. 3 I shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I do this, " says the Lord of Hosts.
10/14/2023 08:39:23 am
Keep praying, let’s see where that gets you. You’re killing your children, let that sink in. Remind me again, how does that fit into your commandments?
10/11/2023 03:13:50 pm
What a narcissistic load of manure. You're welcome to your own beliefs. Everyone is. Including your DAUGHTER. You didn't lose her because of a teacher, or an ideology... you lost her because you are a bad person and a bad parent. Not able to agree to disagree, not able to respect others' basic beliefs and humanity. You are going to be devastated when you realize your hatred on earth that you thought was a ticket to heaven, puts you in hell.
10/11/2023 11:53:31 pm
Hoping that your prayers for your son will be answered.
10/14/2023 08:37:57 am
You’ll regret alienating your child one day. You’re brainwashed with your antiquated thinking, clearly you don’t believe that God doesn't make mistakes… I’m incredibly proud of your daughter and her Father. He’s the real parent here, considering the mental health of her. You’re selfish, delusional, and meant to be alone.
Beatrice Due
10/27/2023 08:50:37 am
Declaring and decreeing His promises for you and your son. He is faithful to open his spiritual eyes. I can’t imagine what you have gone through but I know one thing is that there is no better place to be than in His presence. Being refined in the fire is what He does for those He loves. Continue to stand strong in the face of evil. Your heavenly rewards are great!!
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